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The Team VERO brand

A proper team can be recognized. A team stands together, works together towards a goal, in our case: safe aerosol treatment! After the initial start of the team we also needed a name, logo and identity. After some brainstorm sessions…

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How does a nebulizer work

Welcome, to this week’s blog! On this website we’ve talked a lot about nebulizers and aerosol treatment, so it’s about time that we explain a bit more about it. In this blog, you’ll learn more about nebulizers, its use, and…

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Team VERO part four

Liza. Hi there! My name is Liza and I can proudly tell you that I am part of Team VERO. In March, I was watching the latest Covid-19 related news (for the millionth time that day) when realizing how great…

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Team VERO part three

Romy  Hi everyone! My name is Romy Lauwers and I am studying Biomedical Engineering at the TU/e. Hopefully I will finish my Bachelor this quartile, by completing my Bachelor End Project (BEP) at team VERO. I was planning to do my BEP…

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Team VERO part two

Yvette Hi, everybody! My name is Yvette Pruijn, student Medical Engineering at the TU/e. Since my internship was postponed due to the current circumstances, I was looking for a fun challenge. I am very happy that I came across this opportunity, because…

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The struggle of experiments

The struggle of experiments It seemed unmistakably simple: just set up several nebulizer systems and investigate the airflow of the aerosol. This way it would be easy to find out what nebulizing system exposes its environment as little as possible. How hard can it be? As it…

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Team VERO part one

Sjoerd Hello everyone! I am Sjoerd Dijkstra, and currently working on my bachelor degree Medical sciences and engineering at the TU/e. Usually I like sports, having fun with friends but corona made it pretty impossible to enjoy those things. That’s why I…

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