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Our research has been published!!

Recently our research article, “Minimizing Aerosol Leakage from Facemasks in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, has been published in the Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. With this article, our goal has been accomplished. Team VERO kicked off in 2020,…

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TU/e against COVID 19 Symposium

A world crisis requires action, creative solutions, and cooperation. In March 2020, Eindhoven University of Technology has set up a platform where supply and demand, problem owners and solution providers, are brokered. The key resource is the creativity, brainpower, and…

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Congrats Romy

Happy to share that Romy Lauwers finished her bachelor thesis today. The past 10 weeks she did research at Team VERO on aerosol leakage of different face masks used for nebulizer treatment. Her thesis got rewarded with an 8.0/10, meaning…

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