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The student team seeking to develop
a safe aerosol treatment system
for infants, children and adults.

This is what we do

While the Covid-19 situation has forced hospitals to adapt to new strict policies to stem the spread of the virus, medical therapies like aerosol treatment for children, which administers medication to patients with breathing difficulties, still need to take place.

As virus-carrying particles could be released into the surrounding environment during such treatments, it increases the risk of infection for medical personnel and other patients. Team VERO, a TU/e student team, is currently looking at two solutions for making the treatment safe: designing a closed nebulizer systems that filters aerosols and an extraction system to prevent medical aerosols from spreading through the room.

Offline meetings
Online meetings


Not only is our staff good looking, they are also very professional, friendly and of course good at what they do, learn more about them below.

TU/e, Medical Engineering
TU/e, Medical Engineering
TU/e, Medical Sciences and Engineering
Alumna TU/e, Biomedical Engineering
Alumna TU/e, Biomedical Engineering
TU/e, Medical & Mechanical Engineering
Marlous Bood
TU/e, Biomedical Engineering
Maureen Groenen
TU/e, Biomedical Engineering
Irene Lensen MSc
TU/e, Biomedical Engineering

Challenge owner

Dr. H.M. Janssens, MD PhD
Paediatric Pulmonologist
Erasmus MC – Sophia Children’s Hospital

Team VERO updates

Read more about our experiments and what happens behind the scenes of Team VERO.

TU/e against Covid-19

A world crisis requires quick action, creative solutions and cooperation. Eindhoven University of Technology, known for its proven track record on cooperation with the medical world and industry, rises to the challenge. TU/e Innovation Space has set up a platform where supply and demand, problem owners and solution providers, are brokered. The key resource is the creativity, brainpower and energy of our researchers, students and student teams: TU/e against COVID-19.

Our dedicated partners

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