This is what Team VERO does
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced hospitals to adapt to new strict policies to stem the spread of the virus. Treatment options that could cause an increased risk for virus transmission are discouraged or prohibited. However, the alternative treatments are not always satisfactory for all patients, for instance in the case of aerosol treatment.
Aerosol treatment is given to patients of all ages suffering from respiratory diseases. Liquid medication is transformed into aerosol droplets by a compressor. These droplets are inhaled by the patient and absorbed into the lungs. However, the droplets are partly exhaled in the surroundings instead of absorbed. Especially during this pandemic, there is a risk that virus particles are attached to the exhaled aerosol. This can be very dangerous as the aerosol can stay in the air for a long time and travel over long distances due to its small size and potentially infect more people.
We aim to recommend a closed aerosol treatment system while at the same time ensuring an effective and efficient treatment. This would ensure that every patient can receive their optimal treatment option without aerosol escaping to the surroundings. We are testing this using two experimental set-ups with models of patients in different target groups (infant, child, adult). In the first experiment, the aerosol leakage to the surroundings is investigated. In the second experiment, the aerosol concentration and particle size delivered to the patient is investigated to determine whether the treatment will be effective and efficient. This will result in a recommendation for physicians for use in the clinic.