From the moment the idea arose to tackle the issue originating from Erasmus MC, it…
Team VERO part two
Hi, everybody! My name is Yvette Pruijn, student Medical Engineering at the TU/e. Since my internship was postponed due to the current circumstances, I was looking for a fun challenge. I am very happy that I came across this opportunity, because it is a very educational process which also has social importance during these Corona period. Being part of Team VERO offers many advantages because it is very satisfying to be part of this team outside of my studies. Given that the meetings are online, we have not been able to get to know each other personally. All the greater the satisfaction after the first, very successful, real-life meeting.
I also enjoy the enthusiasm and cooperation that we receive from all sides, it is very good to see that so much can be achieved with cooperation and good willpower. The coming period will be the most interesting, in which all the prepared work will be reflected with hopefully an interesting result eventually.
Hi! My name is Merith, and I am studying Medicine at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. When our study was interrupted, I could not just sit back, wait and spend my days baking banana bread. As I wanted to contribute in the COVID-crisis and have a weak spot for technology and innovation, I contacted the TU/e and ended up at Team VERO.
I am very happy with the choice to join this incredibly enthusiastic and ambitious group. It is challenging to conduct a study from start to finish at such a rapid pace, but I find this group perfect for the job. We have all gone out of our comfort zones with much enthusiasm. I, for instance, have been studying air currents, privacy & legislation and have been in contact with producers of medical devices.
Although I am also working on my master thesis on artificial intelligence, I still manage to find some time to go bouldering and take care of my 20 houseplants. I am looking forward to the coming period, when we will finally see the results of our hard work!
Hi all! My name is Mylene Frankfort and I graduated from Biomedical Engineering at TU/e a few years back. As I am constantly looking for a new challenge, I felt urged to contribute to possible solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily Innovation Space also recruited alumni from TU/e so that is why I joined Team VERO.
I always loved working in multi-disciplinary teams and I am really amazed by how well we seem to work together remotely. Both being very enthusiastic and professional, we were able to set-up a working structure in which everyone can contribute from their own expertise and further develop their skills. Personally, I work on investigating and keeping track of the different components that our closed nebulizer system needs. Furthermore, I like to complement Sjoerd on project– and time–management activities and focus on writing, proofreading and editing all kind of documents. What I like most is the direct application of our solution to the clinic and being able to communicate with healthcare professionals in the field.