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Quest for materials

Starting a project from scratch means that everything must start from zero. Literature research to get to know about the problem, getting to know the team and due to the Corona guidelines, all completely online.

After a start-up period in which we as a team often switched directions and had multiple consultations with various specialists, we made a lot of choices for the direction in which we are currently working. A period with a lot of literature research and discussions with producers to gather knowledge with which we could continue to build a good experiment setup.

Designing an experiment setup is 1 thing, but the step to a tangible experiment setup is very challenging knowing that there is no budget to order materials and parts. From that moment on, two to three team members have been constantly in contact with various producers to gain both information as materials and parts.

It soon became clear that an international search would be very time-consuming, and it was unclear what period the materials and parts would need to arrive in Eindhoven. The focus then shifted to companies in the Netherlands that sell the products we were looking for. Many phone calls and emails further progressed this interesting process.

From the moment the first package arrived in Eindhoven, the ball started rolling and after a period of weeks we received the parts that are needed to carry out all the experiments.

So, thanks again to all parties who have contributed to this research process. The advice, helping hands and generous givers have been very valuable.

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