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Team VERO part five

Marlous Hi everyone! My name is Marlous Bood and I am a first-year master's student Biomedical Engineering at the TU/e. To finish my bachelor's degree, I have the opportunity to do my Bachelor End Project (BEP) with Team VERO. For…

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Congrats Romy

Happy to share that Romy Lauwers finished her bachelor thesis today. The past 10 weeks she did research at Team VERO on aerosol leakage of different face masks used for nebulizer treatment. Her thesis got rewarded with an 8.0/10, meaning…

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The first round of experiments is done!

We are excited to share that we are done with our first round of experiments! During summer, we were busy building the experimental set-up in the laboratory, and in September we started conducting the experiments. When preparing the experiments, we…

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How TU/e against COVID19 started

Soon after Covid-19 arrived in Europe, it became clear that this virus affected us more than we hoped for. Still, probably no one anticipated the impact it would have on our lives, and the outlook is yet unclear. When we…

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The Team VERO brand

A proper team can be recognized. A team stands together, works together towards a goal, in our case: safe aerosol treatment! After the initial start of the team we also needed a name, logo and identity. After some brainstorm sessions…

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Team VERO part four

Liza. Hi there! My name is Liza and I can proudly tell you that I am part of Team VERO. In March, I was watching the latest Covid-19 related news (for the millionth time that day) when realizing how great…

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Team VERO part three

Romy  Hi everyone! My name is Romy Lauwers and I am studying Biomedical Engineering at the TU/e. Hopefully I will finish my Bachelor this quartile, by completing my Bachelor End Project (BEP) at team VERO. I was planning to do my BEP…

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Team VERO part two

Yvette Hi, everybody! My name is Yvette Pruijn, student Medical Engineering at the TU/e. Since my internship was postponed due to the current circumstances, I was looking for a fun challenge. I am very happy that I came across this opportunity, because…

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