A world crisis requires action, creative solutions, and cooperation. In March 2020, Eindhoven University of…
Team VERO part six
Hi everyone! I am Maureen Groenen, a bachelor student in Biomedical Engineering at the TU/e. To complete my bachelor degree, I still have to carry out a Bachelor End Project (BEP). I was looking for a BEP with an experimental component. An experimental BEP turned out to be very difficult in the current COVID-19 times, but then teamVERO popped up. Since, I enjoy working in a team, wanted to do experiments and this project is of social importance. I decided to accept this challenge.
During my BEP, I will set up and carry out the second round of experiments. In these experiments, we aim to monitor aerosol particle sizes and concentrations during the treatment time of nebulization. This is done by, among other things, using a particle counter. I will then use the data from the experiments to compute the effectiveness of the system as a whole. The enthusiasm and drive of the team are very contagious, so I am looking forward to contributing to teamVERO in the coming period!