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Aerosol clouds

DRUPPELWOLKEN - Prof. Bert Blocken Het nieuwe coronavirus verspreidt zich via speeksel- en slijmdeeltjes. Vooral tijdens het sporten vliegen er heel wat aerosolen of microscopisch kleine speekseldruppeltjes in het rond. Professor aerodynamica Bert Blocken onderzoekt hoe fitnessruimtes en wielerpelotons ondanks…

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How TU/e against COVID19 started

Soon after Covid-19 arrived in Europe, it became clear that this virus affected us more than we hoped for. Still, probably no one anticipated the impact it would have on our lives, and the outlook is yet unclear. When we…

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Quest for materials

Starting a project from scratch means that everything must start from zero. Literature research to get to know about the problem, getting to know the team and due to the Corona guidelines, all completely online. After a start-up period in…

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The Team VERO brand

A proper team can be recognized. A team stands together, works together towards a goal, in our case: safe aerosol treatment! After the initial start of the team we also needed a name, logo and identity. After some brainstorm sessions…

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How does a nebulizer work

Welcome, to this week’s blog! On this website we’ve talked a lot about nebulizers and aerosol treatment, so it’s about time that we explain a bit more about it. In this blog, you’ll learn more about nebulizers, its use, and…

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